Smile Detector

What is Smile Detector?

String Gummy Cookie never expected the ever-smiling Smile Detector to be of any help when bringing it while traveling in time. But who could have thought it could make Jellies burst out of the ground, no matter how arid the location! In addition, any Cookie would end up in a better mood looking at that constant grin. Isn't that just the sign of a true specialist?

Smile Detector is String Gummy’s combi pet. They are an epic-class pet released on December 31st, 2021 along with String Gummy, the same time Mission: Save the Future premiered. Smile Detector is a cheerful metal detector that is under String Gummy’s care. String Gummy was hesitant towards Smile Detector, but he quickly warmed up to them in no time.


Scans the ground at given intervals. When metal is detected a red mark appears, and Metal Jellies burst out. Level Up for more points for Metal Jellies.

The metal jellies that Smile Detector finds! They look like parts from various machines inside the TBD.
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