
Croissant watched String Gummy sleep on the fluffy mint green couch. He was sleeping on his right side and his legs were tucked into his chest. He was curled up into a cozy ball. Before laying down, Croissant took off his prosthetic arm. That seemed practical; it must be uncomfortable to sleep with a metal arm.
Croissant thinks that String Gummy looks cute while sleeping peacefully. She noticed a fuzzy fleece blanket lying on an old wooden chair. Grabbing it, she decided to gently cover up the sleeping cookie, making sure that his entire body was covered up except for his head. The blanket was mint green and had pictures of kitties, puppies, and clouds as well as little pink flowers.
She quietly left the room and decided to work on her machine maintenance again. "I should check up on them every few minutes, so they’re okay and nothing bad happens to them while he sleeps" she said out loud to herself. Whenever String Gummy sleeps for a while, he sometimes has nightmares.
It was now nighttime. The sun has now set and there was a quiet air surrounding the TBD. Croissant waltzed into the room where String Gummy was sleeping, feeling burned out but happy.
“...what is it?” String Gummy said quietly. Supporting his weight on his left arm, he stared at Croissant with a sleepy expression. Croissant got a little surprised. "Aah, you're awake! Good morning!" Croissant replied. String Gummy's eyes widened a little. "It's morning?" he asked. Croissant giggled. "No, it's not morning! At least I don't think it's morning..."
Croissant sat down next to Gummy. She gave him a hug. Gummy was surprised by this, but he wasn't unhappy. The hug made him feel warm, inside and out. "I just did the usual today, hehe" Croissant said, pointing to herself triumphantly. Croissant then listed out what she did with her machines earlier. String Gummy didn't talk; just listened. It really was a wonderful time, sitting next to the love of his life in a cozy apartment at night.